2023 International Insect Salon

Exhibition is closed
Closed On: 28 October 2023
2023 Insect Salon is recognized by
PSA (Nature Image Division - 2023).

Maximum file size of 1000 kb.

If you submit JPG files larger than 1000 kb you will receive an error message and your images will be rejected.

Maximum dimensions are 1400 pixels on horizontal side and 1050 pixels on vertical side.

Please note: If you submit an oversize image, you will receive an error message. Please double check your image dimensions.

If you need to change or add to an entry already processed you must resubmit the entire entry form with all images, not just the changes or additions. If you submit multiple entries, only the last entry will be retained. Earlier entries will be discarded.

If there are errors or questions, click to email the Salon.

Special Characters.

Special characters such as , ; : # & \ / ' will be eliminated from your input so please avoid use of them. These characters can interfere with processing of your data/entry.


Entries Must Be Made Using Western/Latin Alphabet Only

Step 1 - Type in your personal information - 35 characters maximum in each field

Required Fields Are In Red
Given Name (Personal Name)
Family Name (Surname)
Honors (Select Up To Three)